Saturday, December 20, 2008

What would you do?

Here's how it happened.....
  1. 7:00 pm Salted Hot chocolate with 4 shots of espresso after a very long day.
  2. 10:00 pm Headed to Walmart For I think my wife said for "Christmas Presents"
  3. 10:45 pm Stop at mickeedees and pick up a mocha.....I think a bad idea...
  4. 1:00 am Can't sleep can't imagine why, I worked hard today.
  5. 2:30 am forced to blog about day because wife thinks its good for my mind.......Thats how this happend.

I have had to come to the decision to work on my blog on more of a personal note due to the response I'm now getting. I know that after only 2 post may seem like it wouldn't be enough time for much of a response but you are going to be very surprised. Please see hit counter at bottom and enjoy...Eat your heart out 2008 Blogger Choice Awards.:)

You may ask what draws people to my blog is just the feeling of seeing someone that really cares about the things that fellow followers go Thur. For example look at the followers of Bob Dylan. They don't follow him because he is a great singer.....They follow him because he cares.....And really that's what we are here for......We really do care what your handing Down. Do you?

As you can see I have posted a picture of my son and I. As a result of that we are now getting request for more pictures of "THE FAMILY". So I will be working on posting as many as I can.

I will say that we are now going to refer to "MY BLOG" as "OUR BLOG" I feel that its only fair to the followers to do this.

Now to the important matters...What are you handing Down? What does this mean?

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